GINA operates with three overlapping principles:


We work to raise awareness about the importance of breastfeeding, particularly in emergency situations. Our outreach campaigns challenge misconceptions, educate communities, and promote breastfeeding as a life-saving practice for infants.

Raising Awareness and Campaigning

Programme Overview


By training local healthcare workers in breastfeeding techniques and infant nutrition, we ensure mothers receive skilled support. We deliver workshops and provide resources to integrate breastfeeding into broader maternal and child health initiatives.

Supporting Healthcare Professionals


We empower mothers with the knowledge and confidence to breastfeed through local community support networks. These networks provide practical guidance, emotional support, and foster a nurturing environment for breastfeeding mothers.

Community Support and Follow-up

Since January 2024, GINA has supported hundreds of breastfeeding women in Gaza through healthcare workers on the ground. Here are some of the facts and figures we have so far:

GINA has trained a core team of 21 healthcare professionals in Gaza to become the ‘lactation support trainers’ for their colleagues. 

GINA has provided remote lactation expert follow-up for challenging cases, serving over 200 mothers through a referral system where British, Irish, Jordanian, American and Portuguese lactation specialists provided one-to-one tailored consultations.

GINA has supported 2000+ mothers since May 2024 in their breastfeeding journeys.

Key statistics

22 trained healthcare workers in Gaza.

266 mothers have joined our peer to peer support group.

Over 95 virtual sessions with mothers and infants.

15 volunteers from around the world.

Over 200 face to face sessions with mothers and infants.

Exclusive breastfeeding rate is at 40+.

Impact in numbers.

Monthly Report

Our partners


  • We deliver breast-feeding support through the keyhole of the closed door! We are collaborating with other NGOs and organisations that has access to humanitarian convoys that are crossing to Gaza. GINA is part of the UN Nutrition Cluster and is registered with the Ministry of Health in Gaza as well as the UN Health Cluster. We also buy items from the local market to meet urgent needs.

  • The short answer is YES. Mother’s body is programmed to prioritise the baby and so her body will produce enough milk despite hunger and stress. Our role is to guid the mother in this tough journey on how to maximise her breast milk production while maintaining her own health. Using scientific evidence and pragmatic solutions to marry up the needs with what we can access on the ground.

    Formula milk is harmful in war and natural disasters context, breastfeeding saves lives, the evidence is well established.

    GINA supports the mothers to navigate breastfeeding challenges and maintain their own nutrition using items available in the market such as pulses, tahini halwa and tinned tuna.

  • You can advocate for their wellbeing using the channels available to you.

    If you are a lactation advisor you can volunteer as part of our remote team providing lactation support via WhatsApp and phone to mothers in Gaza, Arabic language is a huge bonus but if you do not speak Arabic we will buddy you up with an interpreter.

    If you speak Arabic and have a healthcare background you can join us and become an interpreter.

    If you are an artist or web designer you can join us and support our website being up to date.

    If you are a good cook why don’t you host your friends for a meal and tell them about GINA, you can raise funds and donate to our campaign.

Salmas’s Story

Salma, a first-time mother, struggled with breastfeeding and was supplementing with formula. After receiving step-by-step guidance from GINA, she learned how to correct her baby’s latch, heal her nipples, and gradually move away from formula. Today, Salma’s baby is thriving on breast milk, and Salma is so inspired by the experience that she hopes to become a breastfeeding peer-supporter.

Lina’s Story

Lina, a neonatal nurse in Gaza, experienced significant challenges during the war. GINA provided her with training and mentorship, enabling her to continue supporting mothers in the NICU. Lina’s work has helped many mothers establish breastfeeding successfully, and her dedication continues to inspire us all.

GINA and the WHO Code

GINA is abiding by the scientific evidence on how to support infant’s nutrition, particularly where  lack of hygiene and malnutrition are subjecting the most vulnerable of children to increased risk of illness and death. 

The International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes (the Code) is an international health policy framework to regulate the marketing of breastmilk substitutes in order to protect breastfeeding. It was published by the World Health Organization in 1981 and is an internationally agreed voluntary code of practice.

The Code was written in response to the marketing activities of the infant feeding industry which were promoting formula feeding over breastfeeding, in turn leading to dramatic increases in maternal and infant morbidity (illness) and mortality (death).

The underlying basis for the Code is the belief that the health of babies is so important that the usual rules governing market competition and advertising should not apply to products intended for feeding babies. Therefore, all Governments should legislate to prevent commercial interests from damaging breastfeeding rates and the health of their population.

During an emergency such as in Gaza, the Code still applies. Distributing or promoting anything other than human milk is forbidden unless deemed medically required and after assessment using agreed UNICEF tools. Breast milk substitutes - if indicated following professional assessment - should be offered using pre-made formulas and disposable teats. 

GINA does not engage in providing any breast milk substitute in Gaza, with the exception of medically indicated breastmilk supplements for premature infants in the NICU who are receiving them under strict medical supervision. 

GINA promotes direct breastfeeding from mothers. If the mother is unable to put the baby to her breast directly, our team supports the mother to express her milk into a clean cup by hand, and then demonstrates to her how to feed her baby safely using cups rather than bottles or teats. 

In exceptional circumstances, where hand expression is not yielding an adequate amount of breast milk to meet the demands of a premature infant in the NICU, GINA team can support the mother to pump her breasts while in the hospital using electric or manual pumps that are cleaned and sterilised thoroughly at the hospital. 

GINA acknowledges the controversy around using breast pumps and fortifiers being added to breast milk as the WHO Code does not support their use. However, where the scientific evidence from peer-reviewed articles suggests that premature and low weight infants require supplements our team will support those infants to receive what the neonatologists recommend while keeping a log of the practices that were deemed to violate the WHO Code and explain the context and scientific advice behind it. 

GINA is a volunteer-based non-profit alliance and operates within a small budget, to facilitate our work in Gaza we may accept donations from companies producing premature infants milk fortifiers or breast pumps, we will not promote their products and will seek to purchase those items when possible rather than accept donations as this is considered a violation of the Code.